(Webforms - Intro) How do I structure a web-form best? Print

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Intro to web forms

"Already there" general forms that you can use (e.g. to be filled in by your sales staff or via iPad/xPad)

Under: {your domain}/otto/webforms/viewform.php?form_id=1 (where 1 is your first sequence, 2 your second etc.) there will already be a form to just ask for a mail-address.

You can also simply add more details you want to have entered, by logging in to:

{your domain}/otto/webforms

...and build as many custom forms you like!

To get the basic web-form into a part of your normal web-page

(If you use Wordpress or Joomla as your content management systems (CMS), we have ready built plugins for them, and you don't have to use the below, just ask us for them!)

When you log in to your Otto-installation, you find the website-code you need under:


...and you'll directly have the code for just the simple questions for name and e-mail address.

You may also have seen that if you hit "extended form", you'll be able to see the HTML-code for all the names and variables of all input-fields (you don't have to, and likely shouldn't, use them all!).

See also this related to web-forms and segmentation:

Segment users with your web-form:

Segment your web-site visitors by which form, or what details, they fill in.

When asking for more form-info is right and not:

Get your web-visitors to leave you the right data

Automatic Segmentation (in e-mails, not forms):

How to let your subscribers segment themselves automatically


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Click here to get pricing and to order Otto®, or simply contact us.

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